Objective: To design a 1.2V low-area low-power ADC for novel wide-DR CMOS image sensor in TSMC 130nm.
Completed literature review and modelled 1st order Δ-Σ architecture in MATLAB Simulink to analyze analog modulator and digital filter trade-offs and sub-block specs
Designed all analog ADC sub-blocks in Virtuoso such as Gm-C transconductor, high-speed comparator, current-steering DAC, and a voltage reference
Converted single-ended voltage summation Δ-Σ architecture (first design iteration) to differential current summation architecture (final design iteration)
Optimized modulator sampling rate and power consumption, analog layout area and modulator SNDR
Led the analog design team consisting of two layout team members and coordinated analog-digital integration efforts with three digital design team members. Also worked with a graduate student (Devin Atkin) for integration of novel image sensor, chip floorplan and tape-out
Analog Modulator Sub-block: The Gm-C transconductor

Analog Modulator Sub-block: High-Speed Fully-Differential Clocked Comparator

Analog Modulator Sub-block: Current-Steering DAC

Analog Modulator Sub-block: Voltage Reference

Delta-Sigma Modulator Sanity Check

Analog Modulator Optimization Plots

Delta-Sigma ADC Output (Digital codes converted back to analog using MATLAB)

Modulator Sub-block Layout: Comparator

Modulator Sub-block Layout: Gm-C Transconductor

Modulator Sub-block Layout: Voltage Reference

Modulator Sub-block Layout: Current-Steering DAC